Full Disclosure and Content Warning: it takes very courageous, forward-thinking souls to fully embody the teachings held within.Are you one of them??? I am eternally grateful to have documented my most recent and authentic accounts to my own SOULworks adventure, while confidentially moving forward beyond my entanglement with biblical prophecy. I offer my books as a means of inspiration and guidance while encouraging everyone to boldly step into their own soul potential within this beautifully expansive collective classroom we call life. I am a firm believer that the world is waking up to our infinite soul potential. It is my life mission to help people understand the changes we are currently experiencing, both individually as well as collectively. I am a strong proponent that our world can be a better place, and that we can each learn how to consciously co-create a more peaceful existence with compassion, love, and higher understanding. I offer my teachings and experiences within the pages of my books as a catalyst of change and a definitive call to action for each individual within our global landscape to take responsibility for their own SOULworks by learning how to embody a higher state of being. It is time. My books are divided into a few different segments as an opportunity to provide not only inspirational stories, but to teach and help others achieve a higher level of understanding and connection to spirit. The format of all chapters follows a three-section layout. Within my book, each chapter begins with one of my own unique personal life experiences designed to provide a platform to broaden the awareness and minds of the reader. Each chapter then contains a segment entitled “Mastering your SOULworks”. This section provides insights and thoughtful explanations regarding the lessons I have learned from each of my experiences. In closing, each chapter ends with a “Your Move” portion, encouraging readers to take action and master your own SOULworks. I consider this component to be the most critical as I feel it is essential for all beings to learn how to navigate this world and take responsibility for their own contributions within it. May you surrender to and fully enjoy your own unique process towards enlightenment.
SOULworks Trilogy: HOMECOMING is a beginners guide to ending the biblical era. Embodying all three original books within the SOULworks series plus bonus features, this publication brings closure to my biblical entanglement while offering you the same. Upon arrival of our predestined crossroads, I extend my teachings and guidance as an open-ended invitation to our collective new beginnings. If ever you find yourself seeking higher truth or divine closure from the biblical era, I encourage you to open the pages to my authentic SOULworks. That is where you will find me. And perhaps in doing so, you will also fully awaken to your own soul potential and officially set yourself free.
Breaking my story down further, I have also included the general overview of all the three original books found within my SOULworks Trilogy.
Book 1 entitled Activating your SOULworks: A Healing Journey was originally published January 21, 2014. The back cover synopsis is as follows: Today I am making a Declaration of Dependence: I, Lauren Heistad, am a teacher and a healer, and have had lifetimes of experiences to back this up. I am an inspiration to those in need and a teacher to others who aspire to do the same. I share the gift of healing wherever I go and teach the art of creating miracles where Jesus left off. I do not work independently. My declaration is dependent on God and the divine spark within us all to manifest change in this world. I work with the angels of God to heal the sick, create abundance, change lives, and bring balance to our dimension. I AM an essential component of the divine. I am here to help heal, teach, and enlighten the world. This is who I am. This is my SOULworks. (Original format no longer in print )
Book 2 entitled Evolving your SOULworks: A Miraculous Journey was originally published March 14, 2017. The back cover synopsis is as follows:
My name is Lauren Heistad and I have been experiencing the biblical book of Revelation in real time for the past four years, and more recently the book of Isaiah. Not because I have wanted to. Not because I have been familiar with the biblical accounts and wanted a deeper understanding of their meaning. Not because I consider myself religious or Christian. And certainly not because I have aspired to connect or become a part of this rare, prophesied time. I just am. I have come to accept my reality simply because it is a unique part of my own SOULworks. I have also come to understand that my accounts are not an individual reflection of greatness nor an act of independence. They are a reflection of the collective force at work, and an indication of the divine greatness held within all peoples. As my journey continues to unfold, I cannot help but feel compassion and understanding to all prophets of the past who have seen visions, and then worked against the grain to recognize and convey these miraculous encounters and insights. I strive to do the same regardless of my fears. My saving grace is the comfort of knowing we live in different times. So, even though my observations, teachings, healings, and experiences may upset the general masses, we no longer live in times where I can be hung on a cross or burned at the stake. Thanks be to God. (Original format no longer in print )
Book 3 entitled Mastering your SOULworks: A Oneness Journey was originally published April 8, 2022. The back cover synopsis is as follows:
Let me be very clear to all those who bravely hear my words and feel my truth. I am not here to defend my title, argue the detailed events that have shaped my entire life, prove myself worthy to anybody but myself, debate my experiences, or judge anyone in this world. I am here to drop the veil, bring the truths to the surface, and be the Messenger of Change I have most certainly been anointed to be.
Slowly but surely, I have started to share my story. In doing so, numerous mystics, people of all faiths and religion, even friends and family have asked me to let go of my story or at the very least minimize the magnitude of the experiences. Honestly, I simply cannot. There is a larger force helping to facilitate a miraculous chain of events that I can neither deny nor suppress. The human aspect of my being feels very fragile, scared, and quite willing to ride these global changes out in quiet solitude. Beyond that mystifying doubt, however, is a responsibility I feel so deep within my soul that no amount of fear can withstand the momentum. Today, I face the world with no reprieve from my inner calling to speak my truth, nor do I possess any doubt within my entire being that it is officially time we meet. And so, I rise. (Original format no longer in print )